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Results for KLHL38

Gene Name Gene ID Reads Annotation
KLHL38 ENSGALG00000038946 1 kelch like family member 38 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:34435]

Genes with expression patterns similar to KLHL38

Nr. Gene Name Gene ID Reads Σ scores E3 embryo E3 aorta E3 anterior slice 1 E3 anterior slice 2 E3 anterior slice 3 E3 posterior slice 1 E3 posterior slice 2 E3 posterior slice 3 E4 anterior slice 1 E4 posterior slice 1 Annotation
1. GSC ENSGALG00000010974 7 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - goosecoid homeobox [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:396273]
2. SMG5 ENSGALG00000029918 8 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - SMG5, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:24644]
3. AMOTL1 ENSGALG00000017208 5 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - angiomotin like 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17811]
4. ANKRD44 ENSGALG00000007996 17 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - ankyrin repeat domain 44 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:424055]
5. KLHL38 ENSGALG00000038946 1 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - kelch like family member 38 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:34435]
6. 5S_1 5S_1 2 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - -
7. SLC26A5 ENSGALG00000008222 3 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - solute carrier family 26 member 5 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:417715]
8. GUCY1B3 29 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta, transcript variant X2
9. RCBTB2 ENSGALG00000017000 3 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - RCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1914]
10. CALCRL ENSGALG00000002632 4 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - calcitonin receptor like receptor [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:423990]
11. CARD8 ENSGALG00000007698 45 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - caspase recruitment domain family, member 8
12. ANGPTL5 ENSGALG00000017191 2 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - angiopoietin like 5 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:772036]
13. ABTB2 ENSGALG00000031889 9 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - ankyrin repeat and BTB domain containing 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23842]
14. SH3GL3 ENSGALG00000006045 12 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - SH3 domain containing GRB2 like 3, endophilin A3 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:395201]
15. GPR65 ENSGALG00000010595 2 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - G protein-coupled receptor 65 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:4517]
16. SAPCD2 12 1 - - - 1.000 - - - - - - suppressor APC domain containing 2, transcript variant X1
17. STX19 ENSGALG00000015413 28 0.976 - - - 0.976 - - - - - - syntaxin 19 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19300]
18. TTC36 ENSGALG00000006812 63 0.926 - - - 0.926 - - - - - - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 36 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:419757]
19. ENSGALG00000000789 ENSGALG00000000789 24 0.864 - - - 0.864 - - - - - -
20. LRFN2 ENSGALG00000010050 28 0.86 - - - 0.860 - - - - - - leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:21226]
21. PDE1A ENSGALG00000008885 4 0.857 - - - 0.857 - - - - - - phosphodiesterase 1A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8774]
22. LOC101750367 ENSGALG00000006693 5 0.849 - - - 0.849 - - - - - - BPI fold-containing family B member 4-like, transcript variant X3
23. ENSGALG00000020103 ENSGALG00000020103 64 0.844 - - - 0.844 - - - - - -
24. LRRC46 ENSGALG00000046384 28 0.839 - - - 0.839 - - - - - - leucine rich repeat containing 46 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25047]
25. NR2E1 ENSGALG00000015305 3 0.822 - - - 0.822 - - - - - - nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group E member 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:396082]
26. INPPL1 ENSGALG00000004336 3 0.822 - - - 0.822 - - - - - - inositol polyphosphate phosphatase like 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6080]
27. SOCS1 ENSGALG00000007158 14 0.783 - - - 0.783 - - - - - - suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:416630]
28. CASS4 ENSGALG00000007744 10 0.756 - - - 0.756 - - - - - - Cas scaffold protein family member 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:15878]
29. EBF2 ENSGALG00000000242 753 0.711 - - - 0.711 - - - - - - early B cell factor 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:395176]
30. CELA2A ENSGALG00000004568 10 0.71 - - - 0.710 - - - - - - chymotrypsin like elastase family member 2A [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:419486]
Yvernogeau L, Morin-Poulard I, Klaus A, Schulte-Merker S, Berezikov E, Junker JP, and Robin C. Multi-species tomo-sequencing identifies new major hematopoietic stem cell regulators in the microenvironment of the embryonic aorta. Submitted.
Robin Lab - 2019 © Hubrecht Institute | Berezikov Lab - 2019 © ERIBA